Harvard University, Houghton Library


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Short Introduction

The Houghton Library collections represent a rich array of American and European cultural heritage through a diverse range of graphic arts, printing and theatrical materials.

'Photographs are found primarily in the records of the Divinity School, The Unitarian and Universalist archives contain about 4,000 photographs from the early 1840s onward.' http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/houghton/

The Muybridge collection here holds two rare books on Muybridge's work and two books written about him.

Other Harvard Libraries such as the Loeb Music library and Widener also have non rare Muybridge material within them.

Online Presence

Hollis Catalogue

Collection Items:


Books by Muybridge: 2

Books concerning Muybridge: 2

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Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138


Phone: +1 (617) 495-2441

Fax: +1 (617) 495-1376
Website: http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/houghton/

Email: houghref@fas.harvard.edu

Lead Contact:
Hope Mayo, Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts(mayo@fas.harvard.edu)

Open Hours:
9am-5pm Monday, Friday and Saturday.
9am-7pm Tuesday, Wednesday.
See also the Houghton website at http://hcl.harvard.edu/hours/unit.cfm?unit_id=8

Accessibility of Muybridge Collections to Public:
Access restricted. Consult Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts