Worcester Art Museum


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Short Introduction

The Worcester Art Museum holds a collection spanning fifty centuries and houses its own library.

Searching the online catalogue yields 12 results pertaining to secondary texts on Muybridge. Further collections items may be available; please contact the organisation for more information.

Rights & Reproduction Information

Contact Registrar (Rights & Reproductions), x308 or at rightsandreproductions@worcesterart.org

Online Presence

Online Catalogue

Collection Items:


Books by Muybridge: 1

Books concerning Muybridge: 11

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55 Salisbury Street
Worcester, Massachusetts 01609

Phone: +1 508.799.4406

Website: http://www.worcesterart.org/

Email: information@worcesterart.org

Lead Contact:
Nancy Burns(NancyBurns@worcesterart.org)

Open Hours:
Wednesday-Friday, Sunday: 11am-5pm, Saturday: 10am-5pm, Late night 3rd Thursday to 10pm

Accessibility of Muybridge Collections to Public:
The Library's online catalogue provides access to most of the holdings of the Worcester Art Museum Library and the libraries of the College of the Holy Cross, as well as a database of 1700 images from the Museum's permanent collection.